Start a new game, proceed to placing your ships on the grid. Every player has five ships including an Aircraft Carrier covering five squares, a Battleship covering four squares, a Heavy Cruiser covering three squares, a Light Cruiser covering three squares as well, and a Destroyer covering two squares. You can choose automatic placement of the ships (Auto Deploy button), or place them manually on the board. Manual placement is done by choosing a ship and dragging it onto a legal position on the board. Press START button when all ships are placed.
Bulit-in OpenFeint Leaderboards
Ideal battleship game
Guessing game
Puzzle game
Logic Game
Strategy Game
Board Game
Volley shot
Salvo shot

Realistic navy field scene
True-to-life experience
Human-like artificial intelligence
Fast-paced AI
3 Difficulty levels
Realistic sound performance
Play games on your device anytime
Gorgeous graphics
Friendly operator interface
Cool gaming interface
Full-featured help page
Below there is a step by step tutorial guiding you how to use the customized background music function of Battle of Midway:
Start your iPod application(in your iPhone or iPod Touch);
Choose your preferred song and play it;
Click your Home Button;
Start Battle of Midway;
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